Research Paper Outline Write Guidelines

research outlineResearch outlines are very important when it comes to writing coherent papers that highlight main ideas, details, as well as sources which are relevant to the process of writing an essay. If you want to write an effective essay, then you must learn how to outline the information you’re focusing on, shaping your arguments in such a way that they harmonize with each paragraph. This keeps the reader engaged throughout the paper.

Research outlines also help in highlighting main ideas at the start of every section to guide the person reading. And when you maximize your outline, you can write a detailed essay that gives value to the reader.

Here’s how to craft an effective research outline for all your papers.

Gather your research information first

You’re going to start by reviewing the syllabus, grade rubric and read the citation’s instructions before you start working on the paper. Sometimes your instructor may give too much instructions that’s not easy to understand. If something is not clear, just ask for clarifications from your instructor and you’ll be able to know what they want.

Secondly, create a variety of topics for your research. Then expand them in your mind map to contain essential statistics, data, or any other information you feel you want to share in the paper. You can spend anywhere between 20-40 minutes working on your list in order to diversify your opportunities.

Step 3 involves establishing a thesis that’s related to your topic. Your research outline must correspond to the citation requirements of the paper. You can use numbers for APA and Roman numerals if you’re doing an MLA style.

Step 4 involves stating the entire topic in a single sentence.This sentence should explain the purpose, your audience and the event you are discussing in your work. Look for resources that are not more than 5 years old, just for purposes of accuracy and relevance.

Creating the outline

As you can see, a research paper outline requires some planning. You’ll most likely use note cards because they give you a platform in which to record information before transferring the points to your essay. You must also include reference to location, dates, time, and relevant authors where appropriate.

In case there are factual errors in the essay, just add footnotes or side notes to your outline. Realize that the essay must be reviewed for facts before doing the final paper. Also, review your references before adding information to the outline. This makes your job easier, meaning you can work on your outline with confidence.

Finally, the last part involves doing a rough draft of the paper using the citations stated on your grading rubric. Complete it with a thorough review for any spelling or grammar errors. Correct punctuation should also be checked prior to submitting the paper.

Use word processing software for this purpose. Run a second spell check, proof read all the outline information before submitting to your instructor.

This is the only way to creating a detailed paper outline. The process shouldn’t be as complicated as most people think it is. Once you know what’s required and you have the information handy, it’s even easier to put the information together in a more coherent way.