dog jumping up

jumping is one of the most common behavior problems seen by dog trainers, and it can be an irritating habit to break. however, to stop dog jumping we must understand the behavior, and to understand it, we have to look at why it’s occurring. you need to train your dog to greet you and others in a way that’s more appropriate for the human species. your dog is overwhelmed and wants to greet you as he knows how – by jumping all over you. that’s right, when you push your dog off of you, yelling “no! bad dog!” your dog thinks this is part of the game, and it’s fun for him. when you arrive home, pay no attention to your dog until he is calm and has all four paws on the ground.

the second critical way to stop dog jumping is to train a mutually exclusive behavior. using the sit command is the best way to stop a dog from jumping on people during walks. would you ask him to sit first?” give the stranger the food and have them ask your dog to sit. leash your dog and control the greeting by handing out dog treats to your visitors when they walk in your front door. the dog is only allowed to jump up when he hears that command, and must immediately stop when he hears the word “enough!” or “okay!” ask for a sit if your dog is having a hard time stopping. a few weeks of effort is all that’s needed to change your pet from a crazy jumping lunatic into a calm, well-behaved dog. jumping up is a natural greeting behavior but one that can be quickly prevented.

you may be annoyed by your excited, overly exuberant dog jumping to greet you the minute you step through the front door. most of the time, jumping only indicates that your dog is seeking attention. the good news is that you can train your dog to stop jumping on people and start greeting everyone more politely. the truth is, though, that your dog is probably jumping up to say, “look at me!” your dog doesn’t necessarily realize that when you push it off or yell at it to get down that you’re attempting to punish it. in this case, any type of attention that the dog gets from you or others may be perceived as a reward. it makes sense then that instead of rewarding your dog for jumping up, you make it more rewarding for it to keep all four paws on the floor. be consistent when you’re training your dog, and you’ll be rewarded with a best friend who keeps its front paws to itself. the first part of teaching a dog not to jump up involves withholding your attention.

as soon as your dog is standing in front of you with all four paws on the ground, toss it a treat. it helps if you can set up situations to practice with your dog. don’t make a big fuss over your dog and step back outside if it jumps up. once your dog is able to keep four paws on the floor for a few seconds or more, start asking it to sit. as soon as the dog sits, offer a treat. with plenty of repetitions, your dog will start sitting as soon as you walk through the door or enter the room. it’s not enough that you practice with your dog. otherwise, your dog may learn that it’s not ok to jump up on you but everyone else is fair game. you may have heard about methods of training a dog not to jump that call for some form of punishment or aversive. another is using leash correction—pulling or yanking on the leash—to get the dog off you.

jumping up on people is a natural canine behavior. dogs get to say hello face to face when they jump and even better, it’s guaranteed to get dogs jump for all kinds of reasons: attention, excitement or not knowing what else to do when they see a person. does your dog jump on you as if they’ve got the answer for this is simple. put the behavior on a command, such as “up!” paired with a hand signal of patting your chest. the dog is only allowed to jump, .

most of the time, jumping only indicates that your dog is seeking attention. the good news is that you can train your dog to stop jumping on puppies jump up for attention, to grab something they want, to gather information, and, often, because their owners have (sometimes your dog is likely to jump up at you when they’re excited to see you and want you to interact with them. but it could also be an attempt to communicate that, .

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