solid k9 training

i don’t know if any petitions on actually go anywhere, but this is a good way to bring some attention to this person that claims they train dogs. i mostly train dogs full time but work with many rescues, sanctuaries, and shelters in the state. anyone who knows anything about training and the science behind it should know using punishment doesn’t do anything. instead, it suppresses behavior and causes them to become more fearful. more dangerous to themselves and others.

for those of you that do not know anything about training and the science of behavior, punishment and force does not work. he is rude to people that call. he has a foul mouth in his seminars thinking its cool and this is how you connect with clients. he is a horrible trainer in general. in the video on the site he hits the dog with a rolled up towel when it looks at the owner. if your trainer talks to you like a ceasar milan episode, encourages you to use shock collars (now with the happier name e-collar), prong collars (any of you actually put one around your neck and have someone attach a leash and pull on it?)

solid k9 training, a dog training facility in rhode island, has a worldwide reputation of being able to handle the most challenging dog behavior with a high at solid k9 training, we understand the importance of developing a unique real world dog training program that brings out each dog’s full potential so they training, behavior modification, aggression rehab, seminars & consulting | click the link below for tons of free content & our online academy., k9 training near me, k9 training near me, aggressive dog training rhode island, board and train rhode island, best dog training rhode island.

map 25 acorn st. training center providence, ri 02903. smith hill (401) 274-1078 visit website. more info. hours. 85 votes, 20 comments. hello lil’ rhody, thanks for reading my ramble about an abusive dog trainer in our state. tl;dr – solid k9 training for too long, jeff gellman, owner of solid k9 training in rhode island has been engaging in and teaching dog training techniques that are scientifically, dog training providence, ri.

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