nature’s logic dog food

nature’s logic beef meal feast is a 100% natural, highly palatable and nutrient rich dry dog food featuring high-quality, high-protein beef meal from usa-raised cattle as the first ingredient. all of nature’s logic’s dog food options, from their kibble to their canned foods, derive the essential nutrients your dog needs for a healthy life from natural, wholesome food ingredients. the canned and dry dog food offered by nature’s logic has been carefully formulated and crafted to provide your pet with …

best travel dog crate

dog travel crates or carriers provide a safe, enclosed space for your dog to travel in comfort. a note on air travel: the cargo area can be scary and even dangerous for dogs. best of all, gunner kennels have a five-star rating for crash safety from the center for pet safety and offer security for dogs up to 75 pounds. our bargain pick for a dog travel crate, this basic pet kennel comes in large and extra-large sizes. not only …

pet sitting apps

they will stay at the owners’ home so that the pet can enjoy and relax on its turf. apart from the apparent reason pet-sitters are animal lovers, they have a pretty flexible schedule that can work well with you and your needs. rover is a trusted dog walker and pet sitting app. you can see price estimates, read reviews, and see how far your dog has walked, all in their pet app. you can try out any of their services …

dog food plate

star sellers have an outstanding track record for providing a great customer experience—they consistently earned 5-star reviews, shipped orders on time, and replied quickly to any messages they received. the estimated delivery date is based on your purchase date, the recipient’s location (actual or inferred), the seller’s processing time and location, and the shipping carrier. other factors—such as shipping carrier delays or placing an order on weekend/holiday—may push the arrival of your item beyond this date. for pets who prefer …

best cat bowls

the best cat bowl is one that makes your cat’s feeding experience more pleasant, and it might make life just a little bit easier for you as well. not only should you consider your cat’s comfort when choosing a cat bowl but think about the eating experience. this saves your cat from having to chase it across the room and it may make mealtime a little less messy. whether you choose to invest in the feeder-robot or not, the glass …

dinosaur dog toy

this soft yet sturdy toy is made using go dog’s proprietary chew guard technology, a manufacturing process that adds a strong, durable liner to the plush toy. and since, it’s soft to the touch, your pup will love snuggling up to it too! this is hands down the best plush toy for my aggressive chewer puppy. she has destroyed every other plush toy she had, except this one, and she has access to him in her toy bin all the …

hagen pet products

mansfield, mass., march 20, 2019 /prnewswire/ — hagen group, a leading international manufacturer and distributor of pet care products, today unveiled its portfolio of new items set to launch later this year. “each year we expand our portfolio to best meet pets and pet parents’ needs,” said jeff san souci, director of marketing for hagen group. for more information about hagen group and its portfolio of brands visit

hagen can be found on twitter …

angelic pet services

monday, wednesday through saturday – 8 am to 6 pm | sunday (closed) tuesday: grooming & bathing services (closed); retail/reception & self-service stations (open) – 10 am to 4 pm angelic pet services in burleson offers a self-serve dog wash as well as our professional dog grooming and cat grooming services! double coated) and type of haircut all determine the final grooming price. we custom design the grooming for you and your dog’s needs.

we …