exclusive dog food

we are dedicated to advancing the nutritional science of dog and cat nutrition in order to provide outstanding diets for your four legged family members. after reading the label and seeing the quality ingredients, omega-3 content, and absence of artificial preservatives i tried this brand for my daughter’s corgis. the food is moist and clearly full of oils, so no additional fish oil supplements are necessary. it smells like fish and my labs love it.

low fat dog treats

if your dog could stand to drop a few pounds, consult with your vet and consider switching them to a low-fat diet for dogs. if a dog treat is low in fat but high in added sugar or unnatural ingredients (such as additives and preservatives), it’s not going to be good for your dog. on the other hand, if it’s full of real, natural ingredients like whole fruits, veggies, and protein, it can be a healthy addition to your dog’s …

aussie dog grooming

aussie pet mobile is a quality pet grooming service that offers an exceptional full service grooming experience for your pets in a stress free environment in full comfort and safety right in your driveway. your pet is part of the family, and should be treated as such. that’s why we never use cages, kennel dryers or harsh chemicals during the grooming process. we use products that are environmentally friendly and bring a highly organized, professional approach to animal grooming. we …

tender touch grooming

-anatole france tender touch pet grooming is a full service grooming salon that can meet all your pet grooming needs. we offer a temperature controlled environment for your dog’s comfort and relaxation during the entire grooming process. during the consultation, we will discuss your preferences in relation to products and trim styles and what we can offer toward achieving those preferences. any specific issues relating to your pet (i.e.

during your pet’s examination, we will …

soft dry cat food

however, the reality is that not all cat food is created equally beneficial for your pet and it can be really challenging for you to choose the right cat meal. this soft cat food contains all the essential vitamins and minerals, omega-6 fatty acids and the right amount of antioxidants coming from vitamins a and e to boost the immune system and promote the healthy skin and coat of your four-legged friend. this dry cat food offers a perfect diet …

best service dogs

the best service dogs have traits that make them indispensable to their owners by helping them in ways that restore their independence and improve their quality of life. breeds that have long histories of these traits and are purposely bred to maintain these qualities make the best service dogs. labrador retrievers are one of the most popular service dog breeds, thanks in part to their friendly and easy-going nature. like labs, golden retrievers are also a popular choice as service …

schutzhund club near me

because dvg is a club-based organization, you need to find a club to join if you haven’t found one already. use this map to find clubs in your area. many clubs accept members who will not be training with the club, either because they do not live nearby or for some other reason. you can find those clubs by searching for clubs that accept paper members. note that if you will be joining a club you won’t be training with, …

dog training methods

training a dog can be one of the most arduous tasks of pet-ownership, but it’s necessary in order to keep your family and your dog happy — and you, sane! this traditional method has come under scrutiny in recent decades however, because “the actual result is often that the dog’s behavior is suppressed and the dog has a more subdued personality since it lives to avoid the corrections,” says yin.

this kind of training is …