dog food for allergies

it’s not uncommon for dogs to be allergic to one or more of the ingredients commonly found in dog food. “the most common allergies include beef, chicken, lamb, and wheat.” while the right dog food for your dog’s allergy will depend upon guidance from your vet, we’ve researched the best options for a variety of preferences and scenarios, evaluating dog foods with a limited list of ingredients, formulated to avoid specific allergens. however, the ingredient list does include egg and …

chicken allergy in dogs

an allergy to poultry is an over-reaction of your dog’s immune system to an unwelcome protein, in this case, a poultry protein, that is present in a particular ingredient of their diet. if your pet is showing an intolerance to a particular food, it may indicate that an allergy is in the process of developing. proteins and carbohydrates that are not included in the dog’s current food, referred to as novel ingredients, are generally the best choice for an elimination …

brown rice for dogs

brown rice is more nutritionally dense than white rice due to its processing. white rice is considered a refined grain and has that coat missing, making it easier to digest. pet parents may also have heard that rice is a “filler” ingredient in commercial pet foods, and this simply isn’t true in the case of brown rice since it is very nutritionally dense. many commercial dog foods already include brown rice because of the nutritional benefits above. studies have shown …

best dog food for huskies

what you feed your husky is important, which is why we recommend nom nom’s turkey fare, a raw dog food, as our 1st best overall food for huskies. it is also high in protein and contains chicken meal and chicken as the main ingredients, so your dog is sure to love the taste of it. this dog food is much higher in protein than some of the other foods on this list, and turkey is lean meat that can help …

homemade dog food for allergies

when commercial kibble won’t cut it anymore, many owners are turning to homemade dog food for allergies recipes to help their canines that suffer from food-borne allergies. food allergies are actually rare in dogs, and these allergies are more likely to be caused by the environment and sometimes genetics, studies show.

with homemade dog food for allergies, you can alter recipes to fit your pup’s needs. remember that these recipes are just a loose suggestion, …