best senior dog food

read on to discover our top recommendations for the best senior dog foods on the market. senior dog foods include the right amount of protein to meet these needs. they can also weigh your dog to see if your dog is at a healthy weight or if a food for weight control may be required. if you’re trying to decide which option is right for your dog, consult the list of pros and cons below to help you make a …

best diet dog food

so, it isn’t always possible to figure out the exact number of calories your dog is consuming or burning. for example, hypothyroidism – a condition in which a dog’s thyroid gland fails to produce the proper amount of hormones – is often associated with weight gain. four different probiotics are included in the recipe to help promote proper intestinal function, and it is fortified with vitamins and minerals to ensure your dog gets the nutrition she needs. a wealth of …

best canned dog food

we compared dozens of dog food brands to find the best canned dog food to suit all your pet’s needs. and according to many wet dog food reviews, it’s also great for mixing with dry food. it’s also the best canned dog food for sensitive stomachs, as you can create a menu that will cater to your dog’s specific needs, allergies, and food sensitivities. this top canned dog food is also rich in veggies, vitamins, and minerals that will boost …

best affordable dog food

our dry matter label analysis reveals the recipe contains 26% protein, 16% fat and 51% estimated carbs… which yields a fat-to-protein ratio of about 61%. our dry matter label study reveals the recipe contains 28% protein, 17% fat and 48% estimated carbs… creating a fat-to-protein ratio of about 60%. our dry matter label study reveals the recipe contains 33% protein, 22% fat and 36% estimated carbs… which results in a fat-to-protein ratio of about 67%. our dry matter label report …

best raw dog food

a raw dog food diet is designed to mimic a dog’s natural ancestral menu. no one can argue the dry baked pellets we call dog food aren’t convenient. yet the nutrient profile of a dry kibble is nowhere near the nutrient content of a dog’s ancestral diet. there have been many reports of improved health when chronically ill pets were switched from a commercial product to a raw dog food.

yet the risk of food-borne …