cat litter box mats

thankfully, litter mats exist to help contain the mess. litter mats are designed to trap small pieces of litter that naturally track out of the box on your cat’s paws. the key is size and placement: a litter mat should be big enough in relation to the box, and/or placed close enough to it, that your cat naturally has to step on the mat when exiting their litter box. and for top-entry litter boxes, it depends on the size of …

litter genie cat litter box

if you’re like me and you have a cat (or two), then you know how much effort goes into keeping a litter box clean. not only do fresh litter boxes reduce the spread of illness, they also help prevent litter box issues, like cats refusing to use them and going outside of the box. that’s why i decided to enlist the help of a litter genie. a litter genie is a cat litter disposal system designed to minimize mess and …

cat litter box enclosure

and i’m pretty sure that’s when i started my endless search for the ever-elusive “perfect” litter box set-up. that’s why i like to create my own litter box enclosures based on the space i have available. they don’t seem to mind litter box enclosures as long as they’re a good size and the box is kept extremely clean. this is all to say; you may not want to go the litter box enclosure route unless you have a very mellow, …

cat litter box furniture

see how this project went from an old cabinet to a beautiful cat litter box furniture centerpiece! stick around while i tell you about mine and why we built this diy litter box enclosure! as far as i knew, they were all spoken for and we were heading to adopt only one of them. but one way these cats are alike is they are both finicky, as the majority of cats are. one thing that i learned when i started …

chewy cat litter box

cats make wonderful pets for so many reasons but having to change cat litter pans isn’t one of them. the wrong cat litter box pans can stink up your home and allow your kitty to track litter all over the house. there are many types of cat litter boxes and at you’ll find a wide range to choose from. to prevent cat litter dust from entering the air, try covered cat litter boxes.

a …