halo dog food

this helps cover the cost of operation of our free blog. halo holistic chicken and chicken liver recipe for adult dogs was selected to represent the other products in the line for this review. the third ingredient is dried egg product, a dehydrated form of shell-free eggs. the next ingredient is oatmeal, a whole-grain product made from coarsely ground oats. however, aside from its energy content, this cereal grain is of only modest nutritional value to a dog. dried peas …

halo cat food

we’ve taken a close look at halo cat food and reviewed it on the things that matter most. the halo cat food lineup includes both wet and dry food. it’s a meat-based food with chicken, chicken broth, and chicken liver as the first three ingredients. halo insists that the ingredient is present in a safe trace amount, but some consumers are concerned. whitefish is the first ingredient and refers to a group of fish species including cod, whiting, haddock, pollock, …