harmony pet supplies

pet food, care products, treats, tag engravings, beds, & more – you’ll find all your pet’s needs at harmony pet supplies. at harmony pet resort, we strive to research & uncover the truth about ingredients found in dog food so we can provide your pets with the highest quality foods! they also are part of the astro loyalty program, which allows you to earn free bags of food! we carry grooming products loved and used by the bathers at harmony …

pet training

training your pet can help ensure that the behaviors that they exhibit are primarily desirable ones. whilst dogs have earned a reputation as ‘man’s best friend’ thanks to their loyal and affectionate nature, just like the human counterparts they can sometimes possess annoying habits or personality traits that make them difficult to live with.training your dog will be hugely beneficial to your dog learning to live harmoniously alongside his human family. it will strengthen the bond between you and ensure …

loose leash walking training

the goal is walking harmoniously with your dog – and “checking in” is the key ingredient to creating the type of relationship that is conducive to harmonious walks. if your dog already pulls on leash, you’ll want to begin training the “check-in” behavior in a location with low distractions. this also applies to times when you walk your dog with a friend. the check-in technique described here is another tool that can be used to teach a dog to walk …

dog listener

we offer a range of specialized air dried totally natural dog treats plus own brand range of accessoriesincluding leads, collars, and a wide choice of unique dog products for all dog breeds. i am now retired from one to one and behavioural work. i now concentrate on my articles and newsletters and campaign against bad practices like neutering, over-vaccination, and poor quality dog food. and the uks totally natural dog store also in hampton hill.

dog separation anxiety crate

unfortunately your dog is not one of them and you will have to do some work in order to help her over her fear of being alone. the program described below will help you teach your dog to be okay when she is alone. your dog needs to have a place to go when you leave where she feels safe and secure. this is hard for some people to do, but remember, you are trying to reduce the anxiety your …