hartz pet products

hartz ultraguard promax dog flea and tick collar has it all with 6 months of full body protection and comfort technology. we’re passionate about nurturing happy, healthy pets. it’s what motivates us to create innovative products that offer great value. service or assistance dogs can be found hard at work each day providing guide, hearing, seizure response, and emotional support for people. if you own a dog, you are likely used to being greeted at the door when you come …

hartz dog shampoo

the cleansing formula kills fleas and brown dog ticks through contact and prevents re-infestation by stopping flea eggs from hatching for up to 2 weeks. made for dogs or puppies 6 months of age and older. do not get in eyes or on clothing. hazards to domestic animals: consult a veterinarian before using this product on debilitated, aged, medicated, pregnant or nursing animals. if signs of sensitivity occur, bathe your pet with mild soap and rinse with large amounts of …

toy dog on lead

what amount of lead should be allowed in the toys dogs lick, chew, slobber, and shred? many in the pet industry agree there should be guidelines for lead and other worrisome chemicals in dog toys. “pets, like children, have higher exposure to chemical hazards, and our data show that pet products are far more likely to have hazardous chemicals than children’s toys.” not all the dog toys tested, however, contained harmful chemicals.

“dogs like to …

best dog teeth cleaning toys

brushing your pup’s teeth as often as possible is essential to preventing dental disease, but toys can also do a lot to help. while it is not as effective as actually brushing their teeth, chew toys help rub off some of that soft plaque. that’s not to say that all toys are good for a dog’s teeth—some of them can actually be quite harmful. “despite the fact that dogs love to chew on them, they very frequently result in tooth …

purple dog shampoo

golden retrievers and other light-coloured breeds like bichon frise and maltese dogs tend to feature, being covered in the lilac lather at groomers or in the home. although the majority of creators make it clear on their videos that they’re using purple shampoo specifically designed for dogs, this isn’t always the case. tried purple shampoo on our dog & it works on dogs too!

‘with purple shampoo, in particular, a number of these brands are …