loose leash walking training

the goal is walking harmoniously with your dog – and “checking in” is the key ingredient to creating the type of relationship that is conducive to harmonious walks. if your dog already pulls on leash, you’ll want to begin training the “check-in” behavior in a location with low distractions. this also applies to times when you walk your dog with a friend. the check-in technique described here is another tool that can be used to teach a dog to walk …

loose leash walking

here are some overall guidelines before we look at several methods 2. the instant your dog reaches the end of his leash and pulls, red light! when he stops pulling and puts slack in the leash (maybe he turns to see what you’re doing and this makes the leash a little slack), call him back to you. every few seconds, pop a small treat into your dog’s mouth and praise her for walking along at your pace. then put the …

leash walking training

get your dog to walk without pulling! the most asked question at obedience classes and private consultations is “how can i get my dog not to pull on his leash?” historically trainers encouraged folks to act like a tree the moment their dog began to pull on the leash. the following method requires first, that all or most reinforcement will come from behind you and second, that you will toss the food to the ground—not far—so the dog has to …

leash pulling training

it’s an important skill to teach, and one you’ll value every time you take your dog out for a walk. introduce your puppy to a sound cue that means, “food is coming.” some people like to click and treat, some people use a word like “yes,” and some people cluck their tongue. after a few repetitions, you’ll notice your puppy not only looking at you, but also coming over to you for the treat. continue the progression until your puppy, …

leash training an older dog

the problem is even worse if he sees a dog on the horizon, or a stranger approaching. we have a lot of trouble with him on the leash. pup would still walk on a leash with her but with an off leash level of obedience the leash is really just there for added security but not to actually hold pup in place, so pup won’t be pulling and risking injuring her. he is a rescue dog and we have had …