training my puppy

learning how to potty train puppies at the right time and place is one of the most important first steps you can take for a long, happy life together. it’s a good idea to get your dog accustomed to one for many reasons, such as vet visits, travel, convalescence, and safety. if it is too large, the dog will feel that it’s ok to use one corner for elimination and then happily settle down away from the mess. but some …

training leash for dogs

walking a dog is one of those tasks that seems like it should be effortless. then, hold a treat in your hand to encourage your dog to walk next to you rather than in front of you. though a thoughtful training technique is the top priority for getting your dog comfortable with walks, the right dog training leash is crucial for comfort and safety. “purchasing a quality collar and leash that is appropriate for the size and breed of your …

training your puppy

your puppy’s food is a phenomenal resource and one of the best tools you can use to train your puppy! at the puppy academy, we have our students bring their lunch to school with them, and we use that meal for their training sessions. a great time to do this is at your puppy’s mealtime, as you can have them work to earn their breakfast, lunch, or dinner! get your puppy used to a daily schedule that includes their feeding …

train your dog

are you just getting started with puppy training and want to teach your dog the basics? let’s look at the process of how to teach your dog to do anything. guide your dog into position or through the movement of the behavior with a lure. when first introducing a new behavior to your dog, sometimes it takes practice to get the lure just right in positioning and speed.

i find that this keeps a dog …

training puppy not to bite

if you have a puppy at home, you’re sure to have experienced a nip from their puppy teeth. while you may wish they would just “grow out of it,” there are a few steps you should take to curb your puppy’s biting and redirect the behavior to more appropriate targets, instead of your fingers. puppies may nip for a number of reasons. whatever the cause, nipping can still be painful for the receiver, and it’s an action that pet parents …