siberian husky training

working with a responsible breeder is especially important when it comes to siberian huskies, since the trend for owning these dogs has created a lot of unscrupulous breeders. “i want to see pictures of them playing with the puppies … i don’t just want to see pictures of puppies in an ex-pen.” meanwhile, back at home, you can get ready for your pup by closing up any holes there might be in the yard (even though it’ll be a while …

siberian husky care

from the amount of daily exercise they need and their unique personalities, to the type of food they thrive on, there are many things for a prospective dog owner to know before deciding to care for a husky or husky mix. and if the time is right, consider looking for your new friend in a shelter in your area. according to the siberian husky club of canada, in order for huskies to live peacefully and safely with cats, it’s wise …

husky puppy care

beverly ulbrich is a dog behaviorist and trainer and the founder of the pooch coach, a private dog training business based in the san francisco bay area. she is a certified cgc (canine good citizen) evaluator by the american kennel club and has served on the board of directors for the american humane association and rocket dog rescue. beverly has over 18 years of dog behavior training experience and specializes in dog aggression and anxiety training. she has a master …

husky puppy training

the best way to keep a puppy engaged and attentive in training is to keep them happy and keen. and, honestly, this is in your hands.if you come at this from the wrong approach or mindset then yes, training your husky will be hard, but if you are ready and willing, you will be able to do it easily with time. in the beginning, your puppy will not know where he should be doing his business and there will be …

husky care

the siberian husky originated in siberia and was first imported to alaska in 1909 for use as a sled dog. at the end of the article, we have also included a description of what you can do at home to keep your husky looking and feeling her best. some of these parasites can be transmitted to you or a family member and are a serious concern for everyone. performing this surgery also gives us a chance, while your pet is …