solid k9 training

i don’t know if any petitions on actually go anywhere, but this is a good way to bring some attention to this person that claims they train dogs. i mostly train dogs full time but work with many rescues, sanctuaries, and shelters in the state. anyone who knows anything about training and the science behind it should know using punishment doesn’t do anything. instead, it suppresses behavior and causes them to become more fearful. more dangerous to themselves and …

k9 academy

training your dog presents a new set of challenges, and if you decide to attend the private lessons offered, i will customize a program just for you and your canine companion. through positive reinforcement and consistency, you will see a wonderful improvement in your dog’s behavior and your relationship with them. if your dog barks, snarls, growls, snaps or becomes aggressive at the sight of other dogs or people when walking or when trying to take something from the dog …

jeff gellman

special agent earl newman told lady freethinker he’s received numerous complaints about gellman over the years and described gellman’s methods as “cruel.” but dog training is an unregulated industry in the state, and newman added that a number of factors —  including how the state’s animal cruelty laws are written and that people are paying gellman to train their dogs this way — have made pursuing animal cruelty charges difficult. (images via animal print and ri secretary of state) what …

jeff gellman dog trainer

jeff gellman of solid k9 training in providence was scheduled to appear at bark avenue day camp in bartlett, illinois in october. see below “dog trainers have many views on what is the right way to train, but i hope that all professionals believe throwing objects at dogs is the wrong way and downright cruel, and that various methods i’ve witnessed in gellman’s own videos may, in fact, be worthy of animal abuse,” said dale. this week, dale announced “bonking …