training leash for dogs

walking a dog is one of those tasks that seems like it should be effortless. then, hold a treat in your hand to encourage your dog to walk next to you rather than in front of you. though a thoughtful training technique is the top priority for getting your dog comfortable with walks, the right dog training leash is crucial for comfort and safety. “purchasing a quality collar and leash that is appropriate for the size and breed of your …

training a new puppy

welcoming a new puppy to the family is an exciting time, and while it may be tempting to spend your days cuddling and playing with your puppy, remember to set aside some time for training them too. do remember that your puppy is still very young, so don’t overwork them with a rigid training schedule and try to always be patient. rewards may be in the form of a food treat, verbal praise such as “good dog” in a pleasant …

respect training for puppies

you train your puppy in quick moments throughout the day as he tries out various behaviors and you give either a thumbs-up or a thumbs-down. and it’s those daily interactions that make or break how your puppy turns out. you taught him that nighttime is not a time to sleep, but to search for food. and i’ll show you how to communicate to your puppy that you are in charge of everything.

if your dog …

best dog leash for training

this specific type of dog walker is designed to give your pal freedom while giving you the control you need. all in all, the leash provides enough freedom and control to be a useful training tool for your pup. additionally, there is no padding on the handle, although this is not as important as it is with a shorter training leash. to end on a brighter note, this leash is easy to coil and easy to clean off. the leash …

slip leash for dogs

your overall favorite, we loved the mendota products slip solid rope dog leash for many reasons! this slip lead is a breeze to keep clean. we think it is the best slip lead for your dog for the money and quantity. it’s a little on the expensive side, but we think the ezydog luca all-in-one dog slip lead has a quality that speaks for itself. all-in-all, the quality of this product is satisfactory and we think the price is fair. …