wag dog food

after cooking, most of that moisture is lost, reducing the meat content to just a fraction of its original weight. the third ingredient is sweet potato. however, peas contain about 25% protein, a factor that must be considered when judging the meat content of this dog food. this item is obtained from rendering chicken, a process similar to making soup in which the fat itself is skimmed from the surface of the liquid.

we only …

cooked dog food

dry matter label analysis reveals the recipe contains 39% protein, 29% fat and 24% estimated carbs… resulting in a fat-to-protein ratio of about 73%. dry matter label analysis reveals the recipe contains 39% protein, 25% fat and 28% estimated carbs… yielding a fat-to-protein ratio of about 64%. dry matter label analysis reveals the recipe contains 56% protein, 20% fat and 17% estimated carbs… producing a fat-to-protein ratio of about 36%. dry matter label analysis reveals the recipe contains 46% protein, …

wagg puppy food

these crunchy kibbles have been formulated to help give your puppy the best start in life. containing added omega 3 and a blend of other vitamins and minerals to help support your puppy’s health, we also add citrus extracts and nucleotides to encourage a strong immune system. we only put the very best into our food and treats, so you and your pets get the most out of them. take a closer look at our recipes and nutritional information here. …

4health puppy food

4health chicken and rice formula was selected to represent the other products in the line for detailed recipe and nutrient analysis. after cooking, most of that moisture is lost, reducing the meat content to just a fraction of its original weight. however, aside from its energy content, this cereal grain is of only modest nutritional value to a dog. this item is obtained from rendering chicken, a process similar to making soup in which the fat itself is skimmed from …

smart heart puppy food

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